Dragon boating is a sport that has a specific division where women and men who have, or have had, breast cancer can compete against each other. This was developed as a result of research into the impact of exercise on cancer patients - particularly lymphedema, which can be a side effect of cancer and cancer treatment - and how dragon boating could support recovery. You can read more about this on the International Breast Cancer Paddler's Commission (IBCPC) website.
Breast Cancer divisions in dragon boating are found nationally and internationally, and are home to some of the most competitive races!
There is even a “world champs” of BC survivors that is held every four years. New Zealand hosted the IBCPC Festival in 2023 (after it was postponed in 2022 due to Covid) and the next IBCPC Festival will be held in France in 2026... Support for BC in NZFor those interested in knowing more about breast awareness, screening or support: